Thursday, November 22, 2018

[ROM] [8.0] PrometheusLite A8+ For J7 Prime

  • Fully ported A8+ ROM A730FXXU2BRG5
    Android 8.0
    Heavily debloated
    Very Optimised
    Battery and performance better than stock
    Full Samsung experience 9.0 without missing vital apps
    Rooted with Magisk
And many more
Extra Features:

  • All the original features are present (Wifi,Bluetooth etc)
    GoogleFaceunlock with autoswipe
    S9 wallpaper set
    S9 Camera UI
    Many prop and feature tweaks
    Adjusted the framework for 16:9 Aspect ratio (instead of buggy 18.5:9)
    DE-Knoxed and disabled Additoinal samsung root preventions and secuirty spams
    S9+ OMC With support to more than 60 Countries
    VoLTE Support for INS users and countries that use it
    Uptodate APN Configration
    Added navbar selection (Aroma)
    NativeBlur (Aroma)
    Heavly Debloated with a BLOAT add-ons (Aroma)
    Added exclusive samsung apps (Aroma)
    GrxTouchWiz V8 (Aroma)
    Dualsound and BoostedAudio configs (Aroma)
    S9 infinity wallpapers (Aroma)
    1700+ Fonts MOD (Aroma)
    Oreo Edge Panels
    Exclusive samsung apps
    Ssecure/Secure Wifi etc
    Official status in settings
    Native AppLock
    Wifi S-Secure
    Native Screen Videorecorder
    Native Call recorder
    Many prop tweaks
    Many feature tweaks
    And many more additions from Refined 7.1.1
    Check the changelogs for the FULL feature set
Link Download

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